05 Aug Changes to Child Custody and Visitation During the Pandemic
The health and safety of your children are important, so you might wonder if there are any updates to custody rules during this time. We’ll discuss the changes to child custody and visitation during the pandemic.
Shelter-in-Place Orders
In general, any agreements regarding visitation and custody made before the pandemic still stand, despite any active shelter-in-place orders. That said, you may discuss changes to your parenting plan with your ex if you think a different custody situation could better serve your children at this time.
However, do not ignore the current visitation rules, even if you do so for a good reason. Consult with a lawyer before taking it upon yourself to modify your custody agreement to ensure that you don’t get held in contempt of court for failing to honor the present plan.
Health and Safety Concerns
You may have immediate concerns about the health and safety of your children if your ex is flagrantly disregarding local guidelines. If they will not alter the terms of your parenting agreement, what action can you take? With different Covid guidelines in different states and counties, it is very difficult to navigate the “rules” alone.
You are required to show that your child is in imminent danger, so reach out to an attorney before taking this step.
Virtual Visitation
If you get exposed to COVID-19, you’ll want to know how you can still see your kids without putting them at risk. Virtual visitation does not typically substitute for in-person visitation, but courts could allow it temporarily, based on your situation.
The pandemic is hard on everyone, but it has especially affected parents’ ability to see their children, even more so with these changes to child custody and visitation during the pandemic. You may need help keeping your children safe during this difficult time, and you should get the best support available. LaCoste Family Law has parenting plan lawyers who can assist you today, and we promise we will do everything we can to give your child the best situation possible.