16 Dec Common Misconceptions About Child Support
Child support can be very confusing, and many myths exist about these payments. Get to know the common misconceptions about these payments to clearly understand what your child support order could look like. Learn more about what these monthly payments entail and what you should not believe from the internet or your friends and family.
Child Support Is Based on Income Alone
The parent who owes child support might think the payments are calculated based on their income and only their income. This is far from the truth. The courts consider various financial situations, such as tax planning, lingering debt, and nonrecurring income. The Judge also considers who pays insurance for the children, any special needs to account for, and the parenting schedule. It is necessary to speak to an attorney to determine if there are any special circumstances to be considered in your case.
Child Support Covers All Financial Stipends
When a parent makes a child support payment, they might think this money covers any and all child expenses. However, the monthly payment does not count toward daycare services, uninsured medical expenses, and other miscellaneous financial situations. The child support will cover food, clothing, shelter, health insurance if applicable, and basic education expenses. An attorney is necessary to determine whether and how child support is affected if there is a special expense.
You Don Not Have To Pay if Your Ex-Spouse Is Withholding Visitation
If your ex-spouse is withholding your child from you, limiting visitations, and ignoring the parenting plan, that does not mean your child support payments will cease. No matter what, you cannot stop paying child support. It is important to understand that even though the other parent is acting badly and not following the Parenting Plan, you must follow it or go to court to enforce the schedule. Two wrongs do not make a right.
If your ex-partner is not following the court orders, we recommend working with a child support lawyer in Washington state to enforce custody agreements. They can also help you determine the terms of your child support order and if changes need to be made.
Both Parents Can Come to an Agreement on Child Support
While both parents can sit in mediation and agree to terms on a parenting plan, you cannot do this for child support. The calculations for how much child support is owed to one parent needs to be determined by and follow the requirements of the Washington court system and what you are legally bound to do. If parents agree on a child support payment amount, it is best to contact an attorney to confirm the agreement will be acceptable to the court.
Child Support Payments Remain the Same
Another common misconception about child support is the assumption that payments never change in amount and remain the same until payments stop or the child reaches 18 years of age. This is not the case, as many financial circumstances appear throughout our lives, like losing a job or accumulating extraordinary medical expenses. A judge could adjust child support payments if you experience any changes in your financial situation or if there are changes to the child’s needs.
If you voluntarily quit your job to minimize payments, the court will see this as an aversion, and your payments will remain the same because you will continue to be considered to have income as you did in the past.
Child support can be tricky to understand, especially with so many misconceptions about payments. If you are battling child support payments or being ordered child support, do not hesitate to reach out to our family law firm, LaCoste, in the tri-cities of Washington. Work with one of our attorneys for the best possible outcome in your child support journey.