30 Sep COVID-19’s Impact on Divorce Rates
Early in the pandemic, divorce rates had increased by 34 percent in the United States, but did they continue that trend for the rest of the year? Here is a look at COVID-19’s impact on divorce rates.
During the First Months
In April of 2020, just one month after the coronavirus swept the United States, divorce rates had escalated by 34 percent. During this time, newer couples were the most likely to file for divorce, with 20 percent of partners who had been married for five months or less filing for divorce. In 2019, 11 percent of couples married for the same amount of time filed for divorce, so there was a significant uptick.
Marriage and Divorce Rates Fall
After April, though, divorce rates were lower than researchers expected based both on the numbers from April and trends from past years. As people realized the pandemic was going to last a while, many couples called off or postponed their wedding, resulting in 33 percent lower marriage rates from March to September of 2020.
Why Did Rates Rise and Fall?
COVID-19’s impact on divorce rates early in the pandemics might make sense: more individualistic couples suddenly had to stay together all the time. Less contact with friends and family also resulted in a smaller support system and fewer places to vent marriage frustrations.
Why, then, did divorce rates fall for the rest of the year? It doesn’t mean that couples suddenly became happier together. Likely, many spouses stayed together for practical reasons, like not wanting to pay for a divorce during such trying times.
This is not a good way to live and will only end up causing more stress and strife in the long run. If you are in this situation, find quality divorce lawyers in Washington State and save yourself from headaches and heartache in the future.