06 Aug How Has COVID-19 Affected Parenting Plans in Washington?
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed life as we know it. Schools and businesses shut down for months on end, and lots of people lost their jobs. The pandemic has also impacted families—especially children of divorced parents. This article will answer the question: how has COVID-19 affected parenting plans in Washington?
Do You Still Have To Follow Parenting Plans?
The primary question that divorced parents have had during the pandemic is if they have to follow parenting plans. The simple answer is yes. You should follow your original parenting plan as closely as possible, despite the circumstances going on in the world. This rule also applies to school schedules. Children should stay with the parent they would typically be with, despite remote learning and homeschooling.
How Do Transfers Work?
Another concern that parents have had during the pandemic is how transfers will work. How are you supposed to give your child to their other parent while remaining safe? Well, again, the answer is simple. Everyone who is meeting up should be wearing a mask when they interact with each other. Also, try to practice social distancing as much as possible. One person can stand away from the other when placing the child in the car.
The Importance of Flexibility
Though parents should continue to follow parenting plans despite the pandemic, flexibility is also critical now more than ever. These are challenging times for everyone, and it’s essential to realize we are living through an unprecedented moment in history. Perhaps parents can develop a pandemic parenting plan if they think they need to change things up.
So how has COVID-19 affected parenting plans in Washington? The truth is, the pandemic has had profound impacts on everyone. We all have to be as flexible as possible during these challenging times and try to follow plans as quickly as possible. The team at LaCoste Family Law recognizes how difficult this time can be for families. For this reason, we want to be an ally to those who need us during this unprecedented moment in history. We have one of the best divorce lawyers in TriCities, Washington, for those in the process of ending their marriages. We will fight for parents to ensure that they get the time with their children they deserve.