13 Apr How To Know You Are in an Abusive Relationship
Relationships should be about helping each other become better people. You should feel supported and free to speak your mind without becoming scared. If you feel nervous about doing certain things with your significant other, this could be a telltale sign of an unhealthy partnership. If you are unsure whether your partner’s behavior is usual or atypical, read this article on how to know you are in an abusive relationship. Learning about these warning signs may help you leave a toxic situation.
They Want Total Control
One sign that you are in an abusive relationship appears when your partner wants complete control. Abuse does not always have to be physical; many people fall victim to emotional abuse every year. Usually, the other person wants to dictate every aspect of your life. Are they preventing you from seeing loved ones? Do they have access to your social calendar and websites? Controlling behavior is not normal, and you should end the relationship if your partner does not want you to have your own life.
Are They Manipulative?
Another way to recognize if you’re in an abusive relationship is to ask yourself, “is your partner manipulative?” Abusers will usually become manipulative when their victims do not do what they want. For example, an abusive partner will make you feel guilty for doing something they do not like. They may get angry when you speak to other people or if you cannot spend time with them. These negative behaviors may escalate until you feel ashamed to do anything without them. Ask friends and family members to see if they have noticed manipulate behavior from your partner. And don’t be afraid to consult a professional on how to know if you are in an abusive relationship. The signs can be hard to spot.
Are They Violent?
Physical abuse is never acceptable. Your significant other may hit you once and promise never to do it again. This is a false statement. When an abuser strikes once, they will do it again. Relationships are built on trust, and you can never trust someone again once they put their hands on you. You should seek help as soon as the first incident occurs. This is one of the most serious signs of an abusive relationship, and if you’re at this point, you need to leave and stay with family, friends, or a domestic violence shelter.
Knowing how to tell others about your abusive relationship is difficult. But it’ll help you break away from your partner. This is a comprehensive guide on how to know you are in an abusive relationship. If these warning signs sound familiar, reach out to an attorney immediately—LaCoste Family Law practices supportive family law in Tri-Cities, Washington. We cannot begin to imagine how difficult this situation is, but we can work as hard as possible to ensure that your voice is heard.