
Communicating throughout and after a divorce is difficult, and it’s understandable if you would rather have no contact with your ex-partner. However, this can be difficult if the divorce is still processing or if you have children together. In this article, we provide suggestions for limiting...

Divorces can be challenging and emotionally draining, especially when significant assets are involved. Understanding the common factors in high-asset divorce settlements can help both parties navigate the process smoothly and achieve a fair outcome. If you are facing a high-asset divorce in Washington State, use...

When it comes to the fight for marriage equality in the United States, Washington State has been a trailblazer. The history of same-sex marriage in Washington State is a beautiful testament to the power of love and equality. Stepping Stones to Same-Sex Marriage Before we dive into...

The emotional turmoil of divorce is hard enough for any couple, but the process can be even more daunting for same-sex couples with children. Sensitive issues like child custody can become complex and stressful, so knowing your rights and seeking guidance from experienced professionals is...

As society evolves, so do the complexities and legalities surrounding same-sex marriage and divorce. If you're part of the LGBTQ+ community and going through a divorce, it's crucial to understand the unique aspects pertaining to your situation. As you navigate this process, learn these five...

Property, assets, and liabilities typically need to be divided and awarded equitably to each party in a divorce. How the court determines the value of marital property includes both fair market and intrinsic values. It sounds like this can make the divorce messy, but how...

  When the court initially orders alimony payments, they expect the financially responsible ex-spouse to pay the lesser-earning ex until the court order expires. However, some circumstances arise where an ex can no longer meet the court’s expectations to make alimony payments. But what does that...